Burndoo Station Goat Depot

An off-grid system was required to replace the existing diesel generating plant, to offset diesel costs.

Duck Island Residence, Studio, and Cattle Grazing

The single phase SWER line main supply near the build site was insufficient to provide power for the 3-phase requirements of the home, and the main supply was unable to be upgraded economically.

Sabble Farm

Sabble Farm - Off-grid solar panels 01

This off-grid solar system we installed in Victoria was featured on the TV Show “Goin’ Off-Grid”

Outback Citrus


In April 2018 Cathy from Outback Citrus Pty Ltd brought some land in Cooltong SA. “I started preparing the land and installing irrigation to begin planting my first section of Almonds in July.

Edson Piggery

The property SWER Network connection for Edson Piggery was insufficient for their needs – both now and for any future expansion. This made off grid an attractive option.

Fiji Crab Company

Fiji solar

System Design:  114 x Tindo Solar 265W solar modules SMA Sunny Tripower 15000TL 3 Phase Flat roof-mount array framing