Blue Mountains Wellness Retreat

Objectives & Site Considerations: Wellness Retreat Centre looking for electricity security and power reliability. The client’s RFQ stipulated 75kWp solar mounted across existing buildings and 50 kWh of battery storage to reduce electricity costs through solar self-consumption and to provide backup during blackouts. The RFQ also requested an aesthetic design that didn’t impact visitors or […]

Wombat Forest Meteorological Station

Objectives & Site Considerations: OzFlux is a network of micrometeorological flux stations located at various sites within Australia and New Zealand. OzFlux is part of a global network of over 500 sites where exchanges of carbon dioxide, water vapour, and energy are measured continuously over long periods. The Wombat Forest research site was established in January 2010 […]

Mt Boothby Pastoral Off-Grid Feed Mill

Objectives & Site Considerations: Mt Boothby Pastoral Co is a family-owned, mixed farming operation including cows, sheep, pigs and cropping. The Feed Mill property had been running entirely on diesel, which was extremely expensive and labour-intensive for the organisation. Load Analysis: Average summer demand: 129.5kWh Average winter demand: 129.5kWh Demand surge: 75.4kW System Design: Selectronic […]

Duck Island Residence, Studio, and Cattle Grazing

The single phase SWER line main supply near the build site was insufficient to provide power for the 3-phase requirements of the home, and the main supply was unable to be upgraded economically.

Sabble Farm

Sabble Farm - Off-grid solar panels 01

This off-grid solar system we installed in Victoria was featured on the TV Show “Goin’ Off-Grid”

Primary School

268 solar panels on primary school

The objective was to offset the school’s power usage with solar and include tesla Powerwall battery storage for educational purposes as well as offsetting small overnight loads.

Outback Citrus


In April 2018 Cathy from Outback Citrus Pty Ltd brought some land in Cooltong SA. “I started preparing the land and installing irrigation to begin planting my first section of Almonds in July.