Blue Mountains Wellness Retreat

Objectives & Site Considerations: Wellness Retreat Centre looking for electricity security and power reliability. The client’s RFQ stipulated 75kWp solar mounted across existing buildings and 50 kWh of battery storage to reduce electricity costs through solar self-consumption and to provide backup during blackouts. The RFQ also requested an aesthetic design that didn’t impact visitors or […]

Wombat Forest Meteorological Station

Objectives & Site Considerations: OzFlux is a network of micrometeorological flux stations located at various sites within Australia and New Zealand. OzFlux is part of a global network of over 500 sites where exchanges of carbon dioxide, water vapour, and energy are measured continuously over long periods. The Wombat Forest research site was established in January 2010 […]

‘From Grape to Glass’ – The Tintilla Estate off-grid experience

Tintilla Winery - Comprehensive off-grid solar power system

Yet another fantastic case study from Off-Grid Earth that features an Off-Grid Energy Australia install undertaken at Tintilla Estate in the Hunter Valley NSW. Damien chats with owners Robert and James Lusby about their off-grid experiences, including some of their challenges and favourable experiences of living an unrestricted life powered by the sun.  

Grid Connected Battery System Replacement

Objectives & Site Considerations: The client had an existing 24V battery system installed along with a 5kW solar array, but the original installer couldn’t get the battery system to work. After exhausting options with the original installer, the client came to us to design a more suitable battery system to completely replace the existing non-functional […]