Objectives & Site Considerations:
The client needed power for a farm shed, to supply basic needs like the fridge, lights, and a water pump. The client was happy to run any occasional larger loads directly from the generator. They were also happy to be ‘hands on’ with the system, opting for a manually operated generator rather than auto-start.
Load Analysis:
Average summer demand: 2.96kWh
Average winter demand: 3.03kWh
Demand surge: 2.9kW
System Design:
Project Outcome:
After seeing the potential of off-grid technologies used in this project, the client considered getting a grid-connected Autonomy system to run their home near Nowra NSW essentially ‘off grid’. Unfortunately, a couple of high-draw reverse cycle ACs (that were used especially in winter) meant the Autonomy system didn’t work out to be viable at the time (Oct 2016).
A huge effort by our team to salvage this system and provide a safe and working off-grid system for the Farrowing Property.
An off-grid system was required to replace the existing diesel generating plant, to offset diesel costs.
Wellness Retreat Centre looking for electricity security and power reliability.