There are upfront rebates and incentives available for most renewable energy installations, including solar panels and battery storage systems.
Off-Grid Energy consultants will help you to understand what incentives you’re equipment is eligible for, calculate and maximise how much you will receive and process all the required paperwork.
Contact us today on 1300 334 839 or email
Eligible Customers: Off-Grid, Grid-Connected, Residential, Commercial
Small-scale Technology Certificates (STC’s – previously known as REC’s) are available and will help to offset the upfront cost of any renewable energy component in your system. These certificates are essentially carbon-offset shares, meaning that the more renewable energy that is installed, the more carbon is offset, and the more STCs it is eligible for and the larger your rebate will be.
A single STC equates to roughly 1 megawatt hour (MWh) of carbon intensive electricity that has been displaced over the life of your system.
This can typically equate to an upfront discount of between $1000 – $13,000 depending on the size of the solar array that is installed as part of your standalone system.
You can be paid your STCs in two ways. Assign your STCs to a registered agent such as Off-Grid Energy Australia, in exchange for an upfront discount when you purchase your solar PV system. (Most customers use this option). Or you can create the STCs yourself by finding a buyer and selling them in the Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) Registry.
No, Off-Grid Energy will deduct the STC value from your invoice at point of sale.
Due to the fluctuation of STC values, the final STC price may vary from the indicative value provided at contract acceptance to the actual STC value on installation day.
Each year, the ‘deeming period’ (the amount of electricity generated over the course of its lifetime) will decline each year until 2030 when the scheme ends.
Which is why you might see solar companies advertising the ‘decreasing rebate’ at the end of each year.
To be eligible for STCs, the installation must:
PV system expansions can be eligible for STCs in certain circumstances. Although you may need to replace a number of the components of your system to be eligible.
Each STC Zone attracts a different number of STCs for the amount of kWh’s produced. Zone 1 attracts the highest amount, and Zone 4 the lowest.
Eligible Customers: Grid-Connected, Commercial
LGCs are tradable certificates created for eligible large-scale renewable energy power stations. The certificates represent the amount of renewable energy generated by these facilities, and are applicable to all solar installations of 100kWp or more.
Renewable energy power stations create LGCs for each MWh of eligible renewable energy they produce.
So 1 LGC is equal to 1 megawatt-hour (MWh) of renewable electricity generated.
LGCs are issued and allocated on an ongoing basis – as apposed to STCs which are allocated as an upfront discount.
Eligible Customers: Grid-Connected, Residential, Commercial
The solar feed in tariff is the amount of money (cents) you receive from your electricity retailer, for the electricity that you export back into the mains grid (kWh).
The feed in tariff (FIT) is a state-government-based scheme, but your electricity retailer may include an additional amount on top of the standard FIT as an incentive to sign up with them.
There are different expiry dates for different FITs (depending on when and where you have solar installed). Any alterations to your solar system in future, will remove your current feed in tariff and place you on the current tariff.
*Tariff map correct at time of writing (April 2018).
Eligible Customers: First Nations households, communities, and businesses
The First Nations Clean Energy Network has a great resource webpage for First Nations funding and finance opportunities. Visit their website for more information.
Eligible Customers: Off-Grid, Grid-Connected, Commercial
Australian Government will provide businesses with an annual turnover of less than $50 million with an additional 20% deduction on spending that supports electrification and more efficient use of energy.
Up to $100,000 of total expenditure is eligible for the energy incentive, with the maximum bonus tax deduction being $20,000 per business.
Eligible Customers: Off-Grid, Grid-Connected, Commercial
The Coles Nurture Fund is an initiative established by Coles Supermarkets to support Australian farmers, producers, and innovators. Launched in April 2015, the fund provides grants and interest-free loans up to $500,000.
Eligible Customers: Grid-Connected, Commercial
Available in participating council areas in NSW, Vic, and SA, the Building Upgrade Finance program provides funding for projects that improve the energy, water, or environmental efficiency of a building – including the installation of solar.
For eligibility criteria, please see the Building Upgrade Finance website
Eligible Customers: Off-Grid, Grid-Connected, Residential
Victorian households can get a rebate of up to $1,400 for the installation of solar panel (PV) systems. Both grid-connected and off-grid homes are eligible for this rebate.
Solar Victoria also have interest-free loans available up to $1,400, and there are also solar rebates for rental properties.
For more information and eligibility criteria, please check out the Solar Victoria website.
Eligible Customers: Grid-Connected, Residential
Interest-free loans of up to $8,800 are available for eligible households. This loan is for grid-connected households only.
For more information, and eligibility criteria, please check out the Solar Victoria website
Eligible Customers: Off-Grid, Grid-Connected, Residential, Commercial
The Victorian Energy Upgrades Program gives households and businesses access to discounted energy-efficient products and services. Solar installations of 200kW and above are eligible to use VEECs rather than LGCs – giving a much better ROI (higher value and shorter timeframe).
Victorian customers looking at installing mid-scale solar should contact one of our consultants to find out more.
Eligible Customers: Off-Grid, Grid-Connected, Commercial
South Australian small businesses can apply for a Small Business Energy Efficiency Grant to help purchase new equipment to save on energy bills.
The Grant will provide a 50% payment of any approved investment made (e.g. a $100,000 investment will received $50,000 back).
Grant applications close 29th Nov 2024
For more information on how to apply for this grant, please see the website.
Eligible Customers: Grid-Connected, Residential
From late October 2018, the SA Gov will provide 40,000 South Australian homes with subsidies up to $6,000 each for installing battery storage on their homes.
Low interest finance will also be available from the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) if customers would like to add solar to their battery installation.
For more information, please CLICK HERE
Eligible Customers: Off-Grid, Grid-Connected, Residential
The Battery Booster Rebate provides up to $3,000 for applicants with an income of less than $180,000 for the most recently ended financial year, or a rebate of up to $4,000 is available for households where the highest income earner earned $66,667 or less for the most recently ended financial year.
Eligible Customers: Grid-Connected, Residential, Commercial
Starting on 1st Nov 2024, grid-connected homes and businesses with rooftop solar will soon be able to take advantage of Peak Demand Reduction Scheme (PDRS) incentives of $1600-$2400 to install residential battery storage, and $250-$400 to connect to a Virtual Power Plant (VPP).
The incentive will be provided as an upfront discount by approved supplier on approved battery products.
Your local council may have rebates or incentives in place for energy efficiency, sustainability, or renewable energy projects – so it’s worth contacting them to see if you might be eligible.
Here are a few council incentives we are aware of:
Off-Grid Energy Australia’s Referral Program begins June 1st 2018. Please see our Referrals page, or contact Off-Grid Energy for more details.