Load Analysis
Ave Summer Demand: 32.9kWh/day ave
Ave Winter Demand: 30.05kWh/day ave
Demand Surge: 27.74 kVA
Objectives & Site Considerations
In April 2018 Cathy from Outback Citrus Pty Ltd brought some land in Cooltong SA. “I started preparing the land and installing irrigation to begin planting my first section of Almonds in July. During this time I also had a shed installed where the filters and fertigation system were installed. I did not have any power at the shed so looked at both solar and having power lines brought to the shed. The quote for both came in around the same cost and I went with solar, as electricity costs are an ongoing expense which could go up in price.”
System Design
A huge effort by our team to salvage this system and provide a safe and working off-grid system for the Farrowing Property.
An off-grid system was required to replace the existing diesel generating plant, to offset diesel costs.
Wellness Retreat Centre looking for electricity security and power reliability.