Create your own off-grid power action plan…
Just as we are reminded to prepare a bushfire plan, developing a contingency plan for unexpected power outages will ensure such an unfortunate event is less stressful, and power gets restored quickly and easily.
Familiarising yourself with your off-grid system is vital. You must be comfortable navigating the components in your off-grid system, including shutdown and restart procedures. Keep important spare parts and ensure ready access to emergency lighting.
The online Customer Helpdesk Portal is a valuable quick source of information available 24/7 if trouble strikes!
Off-Grid Energy Australia has signed on to the Clean Energy Council Solar Retailer Code of Conduct, a voluntary scheme authorised by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC).
As a way of showing our appreciation for any new customers that you send our way, we’re launching a referral rewards program
Each type of storage system has important differences that set them apart from each other, making them ideal for own specific applications.
Meet some of the key people who help to run Off-Grid Energy Australia!
Off-Grid Energy Australia · Securing your power and your future
Electrical Contractor Licenses: VIC REC-31913, TAS 15608294, WA EC15901, SA PGE278927, NSW 279181C