The people of Off-Grid Energy


I’ve been scrolling through the internet recently in search of a few tradies, and it struck me how hard it was to find the name of the person running the company. So I decided I’d better lift my own game on our website, to tell you a bit about who we are!

Off-Grid Energy Australia is run by my husband and I, Hugh & Emily Driscoll, together with our business partner and accountant Scott Peterson. Hugh and I are accredited off-grid system designers, and Scott is an accredited numbers-man and legend.

To read about how our business started, have a look at this article I wrote a few years back.

I’m surrounded by some very excellent people in the Off-Grid Energy team. Given the nature of off-grid work, our team is spread out across some pretty vast distances. But with the benefit of video calling and VoIP phones, those distances seem much closer.

As well as our direct employees, we also work with installation partners in certain areas across Australia. Most of our partners we’ve been working with for many many years, and they’re all a highly valued part of our team.

So, if you’re looking for an off-grid system and you want to get in touch with our team, who are you going to be speaking to?

When you call our office it could be anyone from our team answering the phone – except our installers who will most likely be on a roof when you call. From sales to tech support to operations to management, we’re all on the phones at our various desks around the country. If you’re chatting to us on social media, or have sent us an email or web enquiry, it’s probably going to be me who will respond first.

Our sales consultants and accredited system designers all have their local areas, so your location will determine who you might be directed to for a quote. It could be Mark, or Aaron, or Damien, or Rory, or Helen, or Oliver, or Robert. Every single one of our consultants is the type of person who is always determined to find the best option for their clients – whether that means hours spent over a technically complex system design to meet the unique requirements, or recommending ways to reduce your electricity needs to reduce the system size and cost.

Once you’ve placed your order for your off-grid system, you will be in the very capable hands of Claire, our Operations Manager. Claire does the incredible juggling act of getting all the ‘ducks lined up’ for a smooth installation.

Claire works together with Richard in our workshop, to make sure everything is ready for your system to be pre-built before installation day. Richard is our system pre-build wizard, making sure your system is programmed and tested to be working perfectly, and with spectacularly neat and tidy wiring.

Note: This is Rob, not Richard. Richard is a bit camera shy. 🙂


Once your installation day comes around, our crack team of installers will make their way to your place with a truck full of equipment and a positive, can-do attitude. Depending on your location, your head installer might be Paul, or Rob, or Mark, or Jarrod, or Sim, or Gav, or Tim, or Shaun, or Alex, or Chris… with their hard-working teams of electricians, apprentices, and trade assistants.

From day one of your installation our tech team is on hand as a resource for both the on-site installation crew (in case of anything unexpected), and to all our customers for questions and support for the warranty life of your system. Headed up by Rob and Hugh, you can ‘meet’ our tech support team here.

We’re an extremely friendly and helpful bunch, and we look forward to helping you with your new off-grid system!


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