Kris & Paula, O’Sullivan Beach SA

Super team. You know your product and have the knowledge and experience that goes with it. Its a real pleasure dealing with people who go the extra yard (meter), that assistance always make a great impression of the Company. Fantastic, really happy with the overall unit. The installer Greg was a champ explained and answered […]
Wendy, Brisbane QLD

Off-Grid Energy was recommended by [Sustainability Coach] Michael Mobbs. Something I really like about Off-Grid Energy is the professional, efficient and helpful manner in which the entire team communicated with us, answered our questions and kept us informed with the process. Thank you, all. It was a pleasure dealing with you.
Investment Property with Lithium Storage

Customer wanted this investment property to have the latest technology, a level of energy self-sufficiency and control over energy costs
Journey to a Self-Sustaining Home

The system provides full house blackout protection (including water pump, hot water, heating, even plug-in hybrid electric car charging) for long periods.
Energy Independence On The Grid

Blackout protection was needed across all 3 phases, with a system output capacity that would mean no compromise to the customer’s lifestyle.
Manufacturer Reduces Energy Costs

A well established manufacturing facility with high power usage was seeking to reduce their ongoing power costs. An independent financial assessment was completed to confirm a solar installation would be the most viable investment.
Fiji Crab Company

System Design: 114 x Tindo Solar 265W solar modules SMA Sunny Tripower 15000TL 3 Phase Flat roof-mount array framing
Huntlee Off-Grid Development

If it can be done for a house, why can’t it be done for a town?
Smart Battery with Tesla Model-S Charging

It was important to produce a clean aesthetic because of the system’s high visibility
Grid Home With Energy Independence

Customer has a large house with large loads and wanted their property to have the latest technology, a level of energy backup and reduced energy costs